
How To Get Google Chrome To Stop Asking Me To Change My Hard Drive

Chrome may be the about-used browser in the world, but that doesn't mean it'southward perfect. Far from information technology. Despite receiving over l updates over the years, Google's browser all the same harbors several crude edges and idiosyncrasies that tin can make for a less than optimal online experience.

A lot of manufactures show you how to fiddle with the browser in exotic ways. Not this one. Here, nosotros'll show y'all how to brand Chrome less annoying—and that sweet, serene sanity is worth more than than a thousand experimental features.

Cease accidental closures

Allow'southward get-go with something like shooting fish in a barrel. Information technology's 2017 and Chrome however has no baked-in protection against closing all of your tabs without warning if y'all accidentally go out the browser.

Chrome should offer a native prompt whenever you're most to shut multiple tabs simultaneously, at least as an advanced option—a feature competing browsers provide. Only in the meantime, merely pivot this website by opening information technology, so right-clicking on the tab and selecting Pin tab. It'll shrink and take upwardly an unobtrusive amount of space to the far left of your tabs, only more than importantly, whatever time you endeavor to shut Chrome a prompt volition appear and ask if you actually want to leave the site—protecting your precious tabs from the void. Simply select Leave to close Chrome or Stay to go on everything open. Hallelujah.

Cake annoying information requests

Chrome asks permission before information technology allows websites to access your location or push you notifications. That'south a good matter! But information technology gets awfully annoying, awfully fast as you lot wander across the vast expanse of the web, especially if your answer is a uniform "lolnope." Fortunately you can tell Chrome to quit bugging you with these prompts past automatically declining the requests.

chrome notifications and location IDG

The Content Settings y'all're looking for.

Click the three vertical dots in Chrome'southward upper right-hand corner to open the browser's options, so select Settings. Click Bear witness avant-garde settings at the lesser, then the Content settings button in the Privacy section. You're looking for the Location and Notifications options in the carte that appears. Simply select the Exercise non allow whatever site to testify notifications option to ban those pesky prompts.

The Practise non allow whatever site to track your physical location option does the same for location prompts, just exist warned that some websites may not behave as intended if you don't share your whereabouts. If y'all want to blacklist the prompts but permit specific sites access, both the Location and Notification sections feature a Manage Exceptions button that allow y'all to whitelist handpicked pages.

Scale the interface

Chrome doesn't play nice with Windows' default interface scaling, which sucks when you're browsing on a display with an exceptionally high or exceptionally depression resolution as information technology ways on-screen elements tin look likewise pocket-size or too large, respectively. Boo! But fearfulness not, as Chrome is one of the few major Windows apps with fairly useful UI scaling options of its own. Yay!

chrome page zoom IDG

Head back into Chrome's advanced settings following the path outlined in the previous tip, then look for the Page Zoom drop-down card in the Web Content department. From here, you lot tin tinker with the zoom percentage until yous've achieved the perfect level of clarity. (I like to use 150 percent zoom on my 4K monitor.)

change text size IDG

Use Windows' native scaling tools to resize Chrome elements like tab and toolbar text.

Annotation that this feature only changes the scaling of on-page elements, nevertheless. Your toolbars and tabs will remain at their default font. To change that in Windows x, right-click on your desktop and select the Brandish Settings selection. You'll see a slider underneath the diagram of your brandish(south) titled Change the size of text, apps, and other items; drag it back and forth until those toolbars and tabs wait good to your center.

Update your extensions

Google doesn't include whatsoever obvious mode to update your installed extensions. That's dumb, especially if you're trying to become the latest version of an extension to plug a dangerous security pigsty.

chrome extensions IDG

When you activate programmer mode, you'll see an option to update your extensions.

There is a style to forcefulness your extensions to update just it's well hidden. Open Chrome's settings over again, then click on Extensions in the left-hand column. At the top of the screen, cheque the Developer mode box. Y'all'll see a trio of buttons with new options appear, including the Update extensions now push button you'll want to click.

Mute tabs with a click

Automobile-playing video and audio are the blight of the web. Nobody wants a page blaring at them out of nowhere, especially if it happens when you open a bunch of tabs simultaneously. Chrome shows a volume indicator in whatever tab that's playing audio, only enabling a secret feature allows you to quickly mute those noisy tabs with the click of a mouse button.

computer audio Mike Homnick

In the omnibox (aka the URL bar), copy and paste the following text, then press Enter:


Your browser will open up Chrome'southward experimental options, with the Tab audio muting UI command pick highlighted. Simply enable it, relaunch Chrome, and now yous can click on the book-indicator icon in a noisy tab to mute it.

Oh, and don't go messing around with those experimental features unless y'all know what you're doing. The page icon's a nuclear symbol for a reason.

Finish auto-play videos

Chrome doesn't include an option that disables auto-playing videos by default. In that location's a workaround, though it takes a couple of steps.

Over again, we're heading to Settings > Bear witness avant-garde settings > Content settings… (in the Privacy section). Scroll downwards to the Flash portion and select Block sites from running Flash. Now, whenever there's a Wink element on a page it'll exist blocked unless you right-click on information technology and allow it to play.

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The click-to-play message yous'll run into when Chrome blocks Flash content.

Many videos are moving to HTML5, however, especially as restrictions on Flash increment. That'southward where the handy Disable HTML5 Autoplay extension comes in. Install it, enable it, and HTML5 videos will merely play if yous choose to run them by clicking the big Play icon this extension slaps on them. Succulent. (You lot can also whitelist entire sites like—YouTube and Twitch—where you always want HTML5 videos to play.)

Modify the omnibox search engine

By default, Chrome's omnibox acts equally both a URL bar and search. That search defaults to Google, naturally—only you tin can change that fairly speedily if you'd like.

Open Chrome'due south settings and you'll see a drop-down box in the Search section, with "Google" listed. Just click on information technology and y'all can choose to make one of several alternatives your default omnibox search engine, from DuckDuckGo to Bing to even Twitter.

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The default search engines available for Chrome'southward omnibox.

Fun fact: Yous can search any of those sites on the fly from Chrome'southward omnibox by typing in its total URL (,, etc) and and so pressing Tab. The omnibox's left-side dialog will change to bear witness "Search <site name>" instead. It's a handy fob—and the Manage search engines… button in Chrome'southward settings lets you add any site that supports searches to have advantage of it.

Guest browsing

One of Chrome's greatest strengths—how tightly information technology ties into your Google account and the greater Google ecosystem—tin as well exist one of its greatest weaknesses if multiple people use your estimator. Yous don't want your uncle accidentally sending messages from your Gmail when he's over for the big game. Fortunately, Chrome offers a invitee mode for just those occasions.

chrome guest mode IDG

See the guest profile selection?

Open the Settings once more, and in the People department, check the Enable guest browsing box. Once that'due south active, but click your user profile proper noun in the upper-correct corner of the browser and select Guest from the drop-downward list. Nail! A new window opens signed into a guest mode that isn't tied to your main account. It behaves differently from logged-in Chrome, though:

Pages you view in this window won't appear in the browser history and they won't leave other traces, like cookies, on the computer later y'all close all open Guest windows. Whatsoever files you download will be preserved, however.

Note that users tin still open up Chrome in the normal way or but switch profiles to gain admission to your logged-in, standard version of the browser. If someone who you don't trust is using your PC make certain to log out of Chrome (Settings > Disconnect your Google business relationship) earlier handing over Chrome even in invitee mode.

Kill the tabs that kill your PC

Every at present and again a website goes haywire and slows your PC to a crawl, fifty-fifty if you're using a powerful PC. The fashion Chrome's designed, you can kill that particular tab without nuking the unabridged browser.

chrome task manager IDG

Chrome'south native task manager.

If Chrome's still at all responsive, the all-time way to do so is within its defended chore manager. Click the three vertical dots in the upper-right corner to open Chrome'southward options, then hover over the More Tools choice and click Task Manager. Chrome's task manager volition pop upwardly and testify yous how many resources every aspect of your browser is using, right down to the individual websites; the one murdering your PC should jump out at you, likely due to high CPU or memory use. Select it and click the End Process button to bring its reign of terror to a sudden end.

Sometimes a misbehaving site will lock up Chrome completely, though. When that happens, printing Crtl + Shift + Esc on your keyboard to bring up the general Windows task manager. It also lists separate processes for every Chrome tab, though all are shown as a generic "Chrome.exe." Again, the misbehaving one should stand out. Select it and click End task to reclaim your browser.

Clean up your mess

It doesn't happen often, simply if y'all tinker deeply with Chrome, sometimes information technology'll just start to slow down or bug out no affair how much troubleshooting yous endeavor. (I told y'all not to mess with those experimental features!) The good news: There are tools to help ready that.

Earlier you do anything else, try running the Chrome cleanup tool. "This application will scan and remove software that may cause issues with Chrome, such equally crashes, unusual startup pages or toolbars, unexpected ads yous tin can't go rid of, or otherwise changing your browsing experience," Google says.

reset chrome settings IDG

Burn it all downwardly.

If your browser's nevertheless acting wonky, caput into the advanced settings all the same again and scroll all the manner to the very bottom, where you'll find a Reset settings button that returns everything to its stock state. If that doesn't work, it's time to start wiping out extensions that could be the culprit. Look first for ones that securely alter how the browser behaves, and cheque the same Chrome task manager to run across if any are consuming an extraordinary amount of resources.

If goose egg works, it might be fourth dimension to uninstall Chrome and reinstall it over again. Sometimes, the all-time way to set up software annoyances is to nuke everything and commencement from scratch.


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